How to Cancel an Event & Notify RSVPs

Sometimes events need to be canceled. We completely understand and have created two features to support emailing the people who have already RSVP’d and canceling the event when you need to.

Written By Jamie Plankenhorn (Head of Customer Experience)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

How to Email RSVPs 

Do not cancel the event before setting up your cancellation email

It might seem counter-intuitive to start with the email, but once you delete the event you will not be able to access the email interface to customize the message that will go out to all your RSVPs upon cancellation. 



  1. From the summary page of the event (Videos > Live Shows > Click on the name of the event), click the Customize Emails

  2. From the Email drop down, select Event Cancelation Notice.

  3. By default, the email subject line and text is filled in for you. You can updated the text as you need and can also pull in a Klaviyo template if you prefer: 

  4. Once you are happy with your updates, click Save.
  5. Go back to the Event Summary page by clicking the event name at the top of the page: 

  6. From the list of Actions, click Delete.

  7. You will get a pop-up confirmation asking if you would still like to delete, click Yes.

  8. When you cancel the event, the cancellation email you previously updated will be immediately sent to all RSVPs.