Cohosting Tips, Tricks and Best Practices

Information including how to check your camera, microphone and screen sharing settings, what to expect, best practices and more.

Written By Jamie Plankenhorn (Head of Customer Experience)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

To get you ready for your Live Event, we have a couple of tips and tricks to keep handy: 

Check 1, 2 - Check 1, 2

Similar to dress rehearsals or sound checks before a live performance, it is important that you check your camera, microphone and share settings before your event.

You need to allow permissions at both the system and the browser level to ensure an unexpected access issue doesn’t delay your event.

Operating System 

Note: pay special attention to the Camera, microphone and Screen Recording instructions access for your browser of choice (we recommend Chrome or Safari)

  • Windows Instructions
    • Windows instructions to enable permissions, go to System Preferences —> Security & Privacy —> "Privacy" —> select the necessary permission on the left (Microphone / Camera / Screen Recording). On the right, scroll and find your browser and put a checkmark next to it.


  • Safari:
    Note: please make sure that the camera and microphone have specifically been allowed for 
    • Camera: In Safari, to allow a website to use the camera, choose Safari > Preferences, click Websites, then select Camera.
    • Microphone In Safari, to allow a website to use the camera, choose Safari > Preferences, click Websites, then select Microphone.
    • Screen sharing is managed at the system level, please see above instructions. 


Note: you might have to restart your browser for the changes to take effect. It is important to use the same device you check all camera, microphone and share settings on to avoid running into issues during the Live Event. 


Your Need for Speed:

You can check your network speed anytime, but it is especially helpful to check it before your event. We recommend co-hosts must have a minimum network speed of 3MB/s upload and 3MB/s download speed.

Tips for a steady stream: 

  • Make sure to close down all programs and tabs that could be running in the background (they can interfere with the video).
  • This includes downloading any large files - such as operating system updates - to run in the background during your stream.
  • Make sure you are only connected to the stream via ONE browser. Multiple connections to your event can cause problems. 

Live Event Best Practices: 

  • Promote it! Once you have created your live event, plan on promoting it in your email program, website and social channels (Loup also has some emails that will help)
  • Practice! Meet with the Host and Co-Host ahead of time to work out the flow of the event 
    Encourage engagement from your attendees with questions they can answer in the comments or have a Q&A towards the end of the event
  • Remove any unwanted visuals from your background
  • If you facing a dark wall or corner, adding a light behind your camera can help brighten your video
  • To ensure high quality audio and prevent background noise, consider:
    • Keep within 3 feet of your streaming device or use an audio lapel/headset.
    • Ensure that you're in a quiet space.
    • Test your audio quality before starting a live event. 


What to expect:

Only the host can start the Live Event – if you attempt to join before the host has initiated the event you will be unable to join. Once your host has started the stream, you will be able to join as co-host. You will go straight into the live event, so be sure to be ‘camera ready’ with a quiet space and strong internet connection. 

Happy (co) Hosting!