How to Access 1:1 Shopping Analytics

Gain an understanding of how to access and analyze individual customer buying behaviour to better tailor your sales strategies.

Written By Jamie Plankenhorn (Head of Customer Experience)

Updated at August 8th, 2023

What Analytics Does Loup Provide? 

Loup provides users with a range of first party analytics collected from 1:1 events. These analytics provide insights into overall performance and revenue driven per 1:1 event and per appointment made within the event.

1:1 Analytics

1.   In the left sidebar, navigate to Video 1:1 Virtual Shopping


2.   From the Action buttons on the right, click the one that looks like a graph for the Event you want to see analytics for. In this case ‘Skincare Consultation with Dr. Lee’. 

OR You can also get to the analytics vi the event summary page, click View Analytics

3.   You will be directed to the analytics dashboard specifically associated with the event of interest.   This is a cumulation of all of the metrics from any 1:1 shopping appointment within this specific event.

4. You can use the tables to review and download product purchase information. 

Metric Definitions


Metric Definition
Revenue This is the attributable gross revenue (USD) that your store has made through this Loup Event
Bookings Page View Number of views of the event bookings page
Booked Appointments Number of Appointments booked through this event
Completed Appointment Number of Appointments completed with customer
Buyers Number of customers that made at least 1 purchase attributed to this event
Booked Sessions Table showing the appointments booked, the customer who booked it, host of the completed appointment, duration of actual appointment, and revenue attributed to this appointment
One-to one Revenue by Guests Total attributed revenue by day
Product Purchases Table showing the products purchased attributed to this event, by quantity and revenue


Appointment Specific Analytics:

From the Analytics Dashboard, you can access information on individual appointments.

Click the icon next to the individual appointment will take you to a page dedicated to that appointment only. 

From here, you can review or download product purchases and engagement.