How to Use Spotlight

Learn how to use the Spotlight feature to focus on one cohost quickly and easily.

Written By Jamie Plankenhorn (Head of Customer Experience)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

What is Spotlight? 

Spotlight gives hosts the ability to stop split screen and focus on one camera view while you have a co-host. This feature gives hosts the flexibility of toggling between focusing on their co-host, themselves and having a split screen throughout the live event.

How to Use Spotlight

1.   During a live event, click on the grey telescope icon in the bottom left of the livestream.

2.   Each participant will have their own telescope icon – simply click on telescope associated with the participant you want to focus on. 

3.   Note that the host's screen will continue to show all co-hosts, but to indicate that spotlight is active a border will surround the host that is spotlighted. At this point, viewers will only be able see the spotlighted host.


Host Point of View


Customer Point of View: