Metric Definitions

Loup provides users with a range of metrics to help you optimize and iterate on your virtual event marketing strategy. Below you'll find definitions of each metric presented in the analytics dashboard.

Written By Jamie Plankenhorn (Head of Customer Experience)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

How is Revenue Attributed? 

Revenue attribution occurs for 7 days after an interaction with an event or video, regardless of whether a customer purchases directly from the video interface. If a customer interacts with more than one event or video revenue is attributed to both events, but will not be counted twice on the company dashboard. 

Metric Definition
Total Visits

The number of visiting sessions that viewed a Loup 

page or widget.

Total Video Views

The number of viewing sessions of live shows 

and videos.

Total First Party Sessions

The total sum of actions and impressions recorded 

through Loup.

Total Watching Minutes

The total number of minutes of live shows and 

videos that visitors have watched.

Total User Signups

The number of users signed-up through 

Loup interactions.

Total Product 

Details Page Clicks

The number of times visitors have expanded the 

product details modal by clicking on the product in 

live shows or videos.

Total Add to Carts

The number of add-to-cart actions performed by 

users that can be attributed to Loup interactions.

Total Featured Link Clicks

The number of times a user has clicked the link to 

a featured item from a live show or video.

Total Likes

Combined number of stream likes, product likes 

and comment likes made by visitors.

Total Comments

The number of comments left by visitors on 

live shows and videos.

Total Subscriptions

The current number of users subscribed to events. 

This can be accessed through the Subscribers 

User List.

Conversion of Pop-ups The ratio of clicks to impressions (CTR) for pop-ups.

Conversion of Product 

Related Videos

The ratio of clicks to impressions (CTR) for Product 

Related Videos.

Product Carousel 

Video Plays

The number of times visitors have played 

product carousel videos.

Total Checkouts

The number of cart checkouts associated with 

Loup interactions.

Total Revenue

Total revenue from transactions associated with 

Loup interactions.

Coupon Redemptions

The number of transactions associated with Loup 

interactions with coupons applied.

Average Order Value


The average value of a transaction associated with 

Loup interactions.

Action Type

Actions that are performed 

by users that we attribute 

back to Loup that links the 

user to subsequent 

Add-to-Cart or Transaction.

  • Post Live Replay: User watched a  
    recorded video 
  • Live Participation: Watched a live event
  • Email: Email click to an event-related  
    email sent by Loup 
  • RSVP: RSVP to an Event
  • Coupon: User did not participate in the above,  
    but used a coupon code associated 
    with a stream in their transaction

RSVP Funnel

RSVPs are referred to in

multiple places in the

dashboards, and the

funnel is comprised

of 3 actions

  • Event Page View: This is the impression of  
    the pre-live event page, which includes the
    RSVP button
  • RSVP Complete: This occurs when users enter  
    their email to complete their RSVP
RSVP Channel

The source that brought user to RSVP. Common 

channels may include affiliate links, 

marketing email campaigns, organic 

traffic from website, etc.

Email Sent

The number of marketing 

emails that are sent out 

by Loup. The following 

emails are being sent / counted towards this 

  • RSVP Email: RSVP confirmation that is sent to 
    users following an successful RSVP
  • Stream Reminder: Reminds RSVPs of an 
    upcoming stream
  • Post Event Follow-up: Sent out to RSVP 
    and signed-in live stream viewers after
    the end of a livestream
  • Product Recommendation: Product and event 
    recommendation emails sent by Loup
    to engaged users.

Email Opens


The number of emails opened on an email level 

shortly after an email is sent. 

Calculated on a unique user level.

Email Open Rate Unique Email Opens ⁄ Email Sent x 100%

Email Clicks


The number of email clicks that occur shortly within 

an email sent. Calculated on a unique user level. 

A click requires email recipients to click on any 

links on the email content.

Email Click Rate Unique Email Clicks ⁄ Email Sent x 100%