Hosting Best Practices

Tips, tricks and considerations if you are hosting your first or your fifteenth live event.

Written By Jamie Plankenhorn (Head of Customer Experience)

Updated at August 9th, 2023

Check 1, 2 - Check 1, 2

Similar to dress rehearsals or sound checks before a live performance, it is important that you check your camera, microphone and share settings before your event.

You need to allow permissions at both the system and the browser level to ensure an unexpected access issue doesn’t delay your event.

We automatically check your permissions during our pre-broadcast experience that you can access during a test event. If you would like to set permissions manually, we have instructions on how to do that too


Not all browsers are created equal for hosting and event management. For hosts and co-hosts, Chrome is recommended, but Safari is also supported. Customers can watch on any browser. 

Your Need for (Internet) Speed:

You can check your network speed anytime, and we have a spot in the Green Room to check it as well. 

  • For Each Host:  We recommend network speeds of 3MB/s upload and 3MB/s download speed.

Tips for a steady stream: 

  • Make sure to close down all programs and tabs that could be running in the background (they can interfere with the video).
    • This includes downloading any large files - such as operating system updates - to run in the background during your stream.
  • Make sure you are only connected to the stream via ONE browser. Multiple connections to your event can cause problems.