What is a Live Event?
A live event is a prescheduled interactive livestream that will run at a future date. This article will explain how to create and how to start a live event that has already been scheduled.
Note: To upload prerecorded videos to your event page utilize our Shoppable Videos feature.
How to Create a Live Event
1. In the left sidebar navigate to Videos > Live Shows.

2. If your team has been working in Loup for awhile, you may already see upcoming events on the page. Skip to the ‘How to start your live event’ section below if you ready to go live! If you are new to Loup (WELCOME!!) your page will be blank, but don't worry - we will get it filled in no time! Click the ‘New Show’ button to get started:

3. Complete the event General Information. Including Title, Description, Start time & Duration, Cover image, Pop-up image (optional), Video layout options and Tags

Cover Image Details
The cover image works best with an image that has a 16:9 ratio. Minimum recommended size is 800x450.
Video Option
Select Landscape (typically desktop - 16:9) or Portrait (typically mobile - 9:16) to indicate which direction you will be filming your live event. Note - events that are in Portrait cannot have a cohost.
Event tags are used for categorization and organization. Tags will display as a clickable field on your events page and will display relevant past and upcoming events once clicked.

Tags with 5 or more events will be shown as it's own section on your events page:

4. Click the 'Visibility'. Here is where you can create Public or Private events, set Password for events or even tie a product purchase for a paid event.

Set as a Private Event
Much like the tool tip explains, a Private event will not appear in your Events page, be promoted as part of the Banner or Pop-Up and is only accessible via the direct link to the event.
Past Events can also be made private which will remove them from the Events page.
Require users to log in
With the option to require users to log in before they are able to view the stream, a pop up will prompt the user to either log in to an existing account or register a new account on your website. This is a great way to capture information and retarget shoppers at a later time.
Adding a Password to an event
Adding a password, will require the password be given before customers are able to view the event page to RSVP or to watch the event - either live or recorded. Once you have added the password to the event, make sure you share it with the people that need it so they can access your content.
Customers will see a pop-up that will block access to the event RSVP and content until they add the password:

Paid Events
Paid Events
Currently paid events are only available to customers with a Shopify integration.
You have the option of tying your event to a product or package that must be purchased before the RSVP will be processed.
To set it up:
Under advanced 'Visibility' tab, select "Paid" from the 'Event Accessibility' box on the right. Then select the product that you would like tied to the event:

Make sure to Publish your changes if it is an existing event. If it is a new event, proceed with your setup.
What a Website Visitor sees with a Paid Event:
When a website visitor clicks on the event tile from your Events page, they will see a pop up that says the product must be purchased. If they have previously made the purchase, they only need to login to verify the purchase. If not, they will be taken to the checkout flow.

Once the purchased has been verified (either by logging in or by purchasing directly from the pop-up), the website visitor will be RSVP'd for the event.
4. Click 'Hosts' tabs to select your host and invite a cohost if your event has one:

For more information on adding a guest speaker/co-host, please view our article on cohosting.
5. In the 'Featured Items' tab you can add Shoppable Products and also add a coupon code for your event. Note products will be automatically synced from your Shopify store.

After all the information is added, click the Publish button. If you are not quite ready to Publish, you can always 'Save as Draft' - just make sure to go back and Publish so people can find your event and RSVP!
How to start your Live Event
1. From the the left sidebar navigate to Videos > Live Shows, then from the list of Upcoming events, click on the event name you would like to start:

2. From the Event Summary page, you can click the button to Start the Stream. Learn how to Go Live on Mobile.

To learn more about our Pre-Stream experience, see the “Pre-Stream Stream Experience” article.